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Forms are great for collecting informatoin or simply for use in your web application. With RealAdmin, you get stylish form elements ready to use straight out the box. They're already skinned, pre-sized adn formatted for you so you can simply get on and use them as you choose.

This is a validation message

This is an error message


NOTIFICATION: This is a notification message. You can use this to provide site feedback or provide hints and tips. Click me and I go away.


Somtimes it's easier to compartmentalise data or visualisations. In the example below we have different types of content that we have grouped up - making it easier for the user to choose which part they want to look at, and also focusing the user on what is important.


Something Important

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dapibus sem sed libero vehicula at mattis magna semper. Nulla augue metus, euismod non fermentum et, auctor quis dolor. Mauris a nisi quam, aliquam placerat felis. Nam vestibulum facilisis eros, vitae tempus est feugiat commodo. Pellentesque quis mi eu arcu tristique ullamcorper vel ornare lorem. Sed euismod quam ac orci bibendum fringilla. Suspendisse dolor lectus, dapibus vitae cursus nec, auctor id ante. Etiam consectetur, turpis id rhoncus tincidunt, justo ligula fringilla enim, sed blandit tortor mi ac nisl. Praesent non nisi risus. Duis hendrerit elit ut turpis pretium suscipit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed sed dui velit, accumsan malesuada orci. Suspendisse interdum turpis ut nisi dictum laoreet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus luctus dignissim quam eget adipiscing. Vestibulum ac mauris eros. Etiam diam metus, molestie in tincidunt vel, dignissim ac magna.

Another Content Area

Maecenas in metus magna, id faucibus nulla. Vestibulum pellentesque ligula vitae odio tristique tempus. Integer vehicula, ligula in varius tempus, lorem ante dictum sem, a venenatis diam tortor a enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ac ipsum metus. Pellentesque vulputate, quam et congue tristique, elit elit faucibus metus, condimentum porta velit lectus et sapien. Maecenas rutrum bibendum massa nec convallis. Aliquam varius imperdiet augue a ultricies. Donec sit amet est vitae mi porttitor iaculis. Maecenas scelerisque pellentesque nisl non tempor.

Example of Accordion Menu Item

Fusce a ligula in quam vehicula venenatis. Sed nec nunc sed lorem fermentum commodo a nec erat. Sed urna erat, scelerisque tincidunt fringilla ut, mollis quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam purus libero, cursus at euismod eget, adipiscing vel purus. Sed porta nibh quis dolor euismod tincidunt. Vestibulum tellus nisi, scelerisque at volutpat ac, eleifend ac ipsum. Maecenas eget est sit amet eros hendrerit aliquet. Sed vitae lacus dolor. Cras fermentum lacinia faucibus.



RealAdmin includes 5 notifications, and you can always make your own easily by using one of the icons provided. Click to watch them fade away!

INFORMATION: This is an information message. You can use this to give the user information about actions or their account etc. Click me and I go away..

WARNING: This is a warning message. You can use this to provide warning messages or confirmation to users. Click me and I go away.

SUCCESS: This is a success message, used to provide feedback to the user that something worked. Click me and I go away

FAILURE: This is a failure message, but hey it's not all doom and gloom you c an click me and I'll go away and hide again.



Tables are a great way of displaying lots of data, and logically. The default styling on the tables is unobtrusive and enables both text and images as show in the example below.

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