

Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a badge.

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger
With Gradient

Use .badge-gradient-* as prefix along with contextual colors to applied gradient style.

Primary Success Info Warning Danger


Use the .badge-pill modifier class to make badges more rounded (with a larger border-radius and additional horizontal padding). Useful if you miss the badges from v3.

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger
Pill With Gradient

Use .badge-gradient-* as prefix along with contextual colors to applied gradient style.

Primary Success Info Warning Danger


Using the contextual .badge-* classes on an <a> element quickly provide actionable badges with hover and focus states.


Customize badge size using .badge-sm, .badge-lg & .badge-xl

Badge-xl Badge-lg Badge-md Badge-sm

Status Badge

Use .status along with contextual class to create status badge

List Media Status

Status badge can also applied to list-media as below