Contextual Colors

Bootstrap 4 come with some contextual classes that can be used to provide "meaning through colors". Use prefix .bg-* & .text-* with color below to customize background & text color.

Primary #6569df
Success #24d5d8
Info #04a1f4
Warning #fecd2f
Danger #fd3259

Gradient Contextual Colors

Use bg-gradient-* with contextual color to customize your background color in gradient style.

Primary Gradient
120deg, #b603c1 0%, #7a3be1 100%

Success Gradient
120deg, #1dccdf 0%, #1de4bd 100%

Info Gradient
120deg, #6a4ee1 0%, #05bdd7 100%

Warning Gradient
120deg, #ff7c7c 0%, #fdb585 100%

Danger Gradient
120deg, #d752a4 0%, #fdb585 100%

Shades Colors

Similar to the contextual color, possible to use .bg-* & .text-* as prefix with color below to customize background & text color. Excluding Text Color & Border Color.

White #ffffff
Gray #f7f7f7
Dark #515365
Text Color #8dabc4
Border Color #e6ecf5

Social Colors

Social colors only available for bg-*

Facebook #3B579D
Twitter #2CAAE1
Google Plus #dc473c
Instagram #40719b
Pinterest #c9181f
Skype #00AAF1
Linkedin #0177b5
Youtube #DE2825
Dropbox #007EE6
Vimeo #1BB6EC
Dribbble #ea4c89
Behance #1869ff
Html5 #f16528
Tumblr #36465d
Wordpress #0087be